Staying Connected: How Hello Wonder Helps Parents Communicate Effectively

Desiree Devoreaux

September 25, 2024

There have been times when I’ve felt stumped when trying to communicate with my son or nieces and nephews. Sometimes, there’s a generational language difference; talking to them can sometimes make me feel like I need to learn another language! But sometimes it’s something more than that.

Have you ever sat with your child at the dinner table and not known what to ask beyond, “How was your day?” I’ve been there, too—well, before I started using Hello Wonder. Of course, Hello Wonder is about entertaining and educating kids. But it’s also about bringing families together. We have several key features created with the family in mind to do just that. Let’s explore these features and see what makes them so great!

Helping parents lead the way 

When Hello Wonder was created, it was with both kids and parents in mind. There are a lot of issues with today’s internet, and we know that it can be tough to stay on top of all of them and have the appropriate safeguards in place to keep your kids safe. With Hello Wonder, those concerns are a thing of the past. 

We’ve created a way to incorporate your family’s goals and personal values into the child’s internet experience. Parents can list exactly what they would like their kids to see or not be allowed to see, and we craft a safe experience for the child based on that input. 

Parents are 100% in control of their kids' online adventures, and it’s customizable from family to family. One household may be okay with their kids watching unboxing videos, while another may prefer that their kids skip that type of content. If you prefer your child to focus on their reading or math skills, you can tell Hello Wonder that, too. Wonder will combine fun with learning for your kiddo. Games, flashcards, silly stories, jokes, exciting videos, and more are available for your child. 

However your family would like to use the internet, Hello Wonder is here to support you. Our parental settings allow you to change your preferences easily, and our AI technology adapts immediately to meet parents' needs. 

We know that creating instructions for AI can be a daunting task for some, so we’ve created instructions on how to input your goals and values into your child’s profile and get the most out of your Hello Wonder experience. Add a few thoughts about your family or what you’d like your child to focus on into the “Instructions for Wonder AI” box in the parent profile, and your personalized Hello Wonder adventure is ready to go. 

Keeping the conversation going

So you’ve input your family’s goals and values in, your kiddo has played on Hello Wonder for a while, but now you’re wondering, what comes next? Next comes SMS summaries! It’s an optional notification that parents can receive either daily or weekly. We send a text message to the parent with a short summary about what their kid has been up to on Hello Wonder. From a recent survey we sent out where 100% of parents said they loved them and wanted to continue receiving them, we know we’ve struck gold with the summaries. 

These messages are excellent conversation starters and give parents insight into their kids' interests. Often, parents are surprised at what topics their children choose to explore online. Sometimes, kids search for topics parents have no idea they are interested in. Other times, parents have a general idea, but the SMS summaries provide more information about the child's specific interests. 

While their favorite flower may be daisies, the kid might be more interested in the variety of colors they can come in rather than the flower itself. Or, you may know that your child is interested in snakes, but they’re also interested in the animals that become their prey. What you learn via the summaries can sometimes be surprising!

Parents can use the information provided by the SMS summaries to have fun and meaningful conversations with their kids that they are actually interested in having. They’re given the opportunity to grow with their children, deepen their bond, and improve their relationship. Kids are learning and expanding their knowledge base with Hello Wonder while being entertained. They also learn to communicate with their parents, even if they aren’t cool enough to know the latest lingo. 

Personalized with you in mind

Hello Wonder is on a mission to make the Internet a better place for kids. We want to help parents create their idea of the very best version of the Internet, tailored to their child's specific needs. We combine their hopes and dreams for their children with the kids' interests to create a truly phenomenal learning and entertainment experience. Start your best conversations by downloading the app today or visiting us on the website